Popular Styles of Stamped Concrete for Driveways

Concrete is by far the most popular material for Concrete Driveway Houston construction, but it can be utilitarian. Since the first impression of your home is usually the driveway, there have been movements to spruce up concrete and make it more attractive. Steel stamping tools, used while the concrete is still wet, have become hugely popular and offer a large variety of patterns. The styles can also be mixed to make borders or designs through the middle depending on your preference. The following article will discuss the most popular types of stamping for concrete driveways and explore the various options to beautify the main entrance way of your home.
Stone patterns, paver patterns, and brick patterns are the most popular types of stamping seen in a typical Concrete Driveway in Houston. All of these can be colored and used in conjunction with one another to meet your needs. The options for customization are boundless, so research diligently before choosing. Concrete is one of the longest lasting, most durable construction materials available, so once installed it will be quite permanent. Consider also the construction style of your home and the landscaping of your neighborhood. An entirely brick home may not match very well with a cobblestone driveway; you may want to consider slate with a brick border and brick separations throughout. Accent your home as well as your own unique style without integrating clashing styles or patterns.
Stone Patterns
Depending on your taste the stone patterns can be patterned randomly or in straight lines. The most popular options are: cobblestone, ashlar stone, yorkstone, sandstone, and slate. The look you wish to achieve and that best accents your home landscape will determine the type of stone pattern. Cobblestone stamps will look like naturally worn stones with irregular edges and rounded corners. Ashlar stone stamping is a larger stone and looks like it is rough split with sharp edges and square corners, whereas has a fractured appearance with broken and rounded corners and edges. Sandstone is another fairly large stone with random edges and the appearance being smooth and worn, but slate will display as very straight edged with perfect squared corners.
Paver Patterns
Pavers are usually placed in straight line patterns just like the real pavers would look. Many use paver stamps to accent the edges or middle of the driveway. Sidewalks leading to and from the driveway are also popular to have accented with paver stamps because the cost of stamping is considerably less than buying individual pavers. Pavers have the interlocking appearance similar to brick, but come in hexagonal, square, oblong, and parquet type options. The ease of stamping verses individually installing pavers and the decrease in necessary maintenance is a huge advantage to stamping concrete with paver patterns.
Brick Patterns
Brick patterns are more popular for patios and steps, but as a driveway they are also very exquisite. Historic buildings and remodels of older era homes will use the brick stamps in order to retain the look that was original without incurring the cost of individual brick. Stamping brick patterns helps alleviate the problems of an uneven surface, and also heaving and settling with the effects of heat and cold. Mortar joints will also decline with real brick driveways, but that worry is eliminated with a stamped pattern. Fan type patterns with bricks and boarders are also more easily obtained with stamping over traditional brick work.